pony saddle for sale
The Pony Club stands pony saddle for sale for many different things to many different people. It can be a heaven-sent answer to the prayers of completely un-horseminded parents with pony-mad children. It can provide the solution to the apparently devilish pony that plays up and takes off at the mere sight of another of its own pony saddle for sale species. It has proved itself many times over to be an excellent nursery for the future top-class performer, often at international level. But above all the Pony Club still provides an enormous amount of fun and interest for thousands of young people under twenty-one living in many different pony saddle for sale countries.
Up to the First World War horses and ponies were everywhere still very much part of everyday life, and most of the families who possessed them had as a matter of course ingrained, inherited horse-sense. Then came the stringencies of the war years, and afterwards the machine age rapidly took over, until owning a pony saddle for sale horse or pony was a rare luxury and several generations grew up mostly without any basic horse knowledge or interest. This state of affairs did not necessarily stop children from wanting to ride, but it did provide their parents with good reason for not doing anything about it. And too often where they complied and a pony saddle for sale and pony joined the family, sheer lack of knowledge resulted in a frightened child put off of riding forever, or a spoilt pony being sold downhill through no fault of its own, or even cases of unintentional cruelty. Now, largely owing to the good work of the Pony Club all over the world, such instances are relatively rare, and the pleasures of riding and the real needs of horses and ponies are yearly becoming better pony saddle for sale known.
The Pony Club in Britain began in 1929, when an offshoot of what was then the British Institute of the Horse was welded into an association to encourage children to ride, to enjoy the sports and pastimes connected with horses and ponies, and to learn pony saddle for sale how to look after their own animals. From the very beginning the idea was popular. By 1934 there were 8000 members, and the numbers increased rapidly until the outbreak of the Second World War closed all of its branches for the next six years. It was an act of faith to start up again in 1945, as a revival of widespread general interest in pony saddle for sale riding and ponies appeared remote at a time when the attention of both young and old was fixed on machines and television, and the actuality of space travel was only around the corner.
But it turned out that children pony saddle for sale still wanted to be involved with living creatures, that learning to care for ponies did interest them, and that the lure of the countryside remained irresistible. The present and still growing total Pony Club membership of 80000 proves the point.
The backbone of the Pony Club pony saddle for sale has always been the working rally. These meetings are usually held in the Easter and summer school holidays but in Canada some of the branches reverse the order, and if a heated indoor school is available they confine their Club activities to the cold winter pony saddle for sale months. But whether a rally is being held under the cloudless skies of an Australian summer or at 6.30am in the already steamy heat of Singapore, or in the steady downpour of what should be a flaming August day in England, the programme is much the pony saddle for sale same.